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Are all the reports that we read about Pilates really true? 

Can it really be ALL these things?

Yes! Absolutely!

I truly believe that Pilates can be life changing. A big claim I know but year after year, client after client, they say it to me all the time and I truly believe in it more and more every day.

It simply works!

Recommended by many consultants, doctors and physiotherapists, Pilates is widely accepted as THE most effective form of exercise to improve posture, realign your body and bring balance to
all your muscles and relieve back pain.

We work as many areas of the body as possible in a session with controlled, balanced moves that challenge us to become stronger and more flexible. Often nicknamed ‘Intelligent Exercise’ because of the focus we apply in executing the movements and the amazing amount of research behind it.


The most incredible feature of Pilates is,
with careful lesson planning,
it’s adaptability to suit almost everyone,
from your chair-based, elderly, post-operative
client right through to Usain Bolt!

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Wanting to give yourself that competitive edge?

Like most sportspeople, you can sustain injuries or take too many tumbles or just simply feel that you are ‘going off your game’.

How often do we get told by sports coaches, physiotherapists and osteopaths that we need to  improve our core strength, build more stability around our joints and/or work on our flexibility?

Pilates is a wonderful compliment to your training schedule whatever your sport or activity.

It builds stability and strength throughout the entire body, tapping into the often neglected deeper or smaller muscles thus avoiding overuse of your dominant muscles.

In your LL Pilates sessions we work your entire body to reach it’s optimum efficiency thus improving your form, posture and prevent you losing precious time off from your training programme due to injury.

Whether you’re a runner, equestrian,
triathlete, golfer, tennis player, footballer, skier, rugby player… it will have you at the top of your game.

🤓Did you know that Pilates was credited with giving South African rugby players an extra 10 years on their playing careers…


Wanting to be pain free and back to being active, energised and feeling better than ever before?

LLPilates is the perfect way to aid recovery. Ideal for those pre and post operative.

We can tailor make programmes exactly to your needs and goals.

Don’t be surprised if your goals end up being way more achievable than you thought!

(I’m speaking from first hand experience here)

We pride ourselves on being understanding, caring and appreciate that in some cases you may be apprehensive or nervous about getting back into exercise.

As a team of ‘real’ instructors who have all previously experienced the impact of injuries or issues, we have great empathy for the recovering client.

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Pilates Class on Reformers


Banish the love handles, muffin tops, saddle bags, batwings and anything else that tends to droop with lack of conditioning.

Now very well documented across the world’s media, Pilates is hailed as THE best and safest exercise for toning, lifting, sculpting and shaping our bodies into better form than they’ve ever been.

When it comes to self confidence, it gives the biggest boost and THE greatest high, especially when you realise that you have done it all yourself

(with a bit of help from us to nag you along of course)


-Stress Reducing
-Switch off from work
-It’s YOUR time
-Improve mind-body connections
-Develop the brain functions (Neuroplasticity)
-Confidence and self-esteem boosting
-Described as ‘my weekly tonic’,  ‘magic medicine’ and ‘heavenly place’

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Adds challenges, aid success, maintain good form, modify and progress,  there is an amazing array of Pilates equipment that can be used.

In matwork classes we use our own bodyweight PLUS we can add small props like the ball, resistance bands, rollers, fitness circles, gliders, weights and balance pads to keep things varied, fresh and exciting.

Or studio classes we have the larger equipment- the Reformer, the ladder barrel, the arc barrel and the stability chair that bring a whole new host of options to you.

At LL Pilates we only ever use the very best quality equipment.

As safety is paramount we won’t ever use anything less than the best. Through years of extensive trials I have selected some of the better options which you can now purchase here online.

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